Event & Cancellation Policy

Welcome to our Events!

Our online calendar is your prime source for information about events, meetings and specials organized by the American International Club of Zurich. We are always happy when members and non-members register for our events. Upon registration you will receive a confirmation.

Generally event fees are payable in full within 10 days upon receipt of the registration confirmation; but always prior to the date of the event.

We know that cancelling an event is sometimes unavoidable. That’s why we ask that members and non-members, alike, to respect our cancellation policy because the club has made a financial commitments for the event.

Cancellation Policy:

The Club’s cancellation policy is applicable to all events that involve a reservation and/or a monetary payment. If for some reason, you are not able to join the event you have registered for, you are kindly requested to contact the club coordinator (or in some cases another AICZ member) in writing by the sign-up deadline specified in the event details (i.e. flyer, website). Refunds will be issued for written cancellations received by the sign-up deadline specified, no questions asked.

Cancellations received after that date will not be refunded; likewise ‘No Shows’ on the date of the event will be not refunded.

Loss or Injury:

The Club is not responsible for any loss or injury suffered during the course of activities or events.

Event Organizers:

Contact us for information how your event gets listed here. Email

Thank you for your support.

-The AICZ Executive Committee!