
We offer club members, businesses and other vendors the chance to advertise your products and services to our English-speaking community in and around Zurich at reasonable fees. For more information contact Susan Suter at:

Place your Ad in our Bi-Monthly Newsletter

  • CHF 200 for one newsletter
  • CHF 160 for each additional newsletter
  • Ads should be sent at 300–600 dpi.
  • The preferred format is JPEG o, PNG.

Place your Ad in our Annual Membership Directory (JPEG or PNG format)

  • CHF 200 for full page (A5) ad
  • Benefit from reduced rate of CHF 160 for placement of your Ad in our Bi-Monthly Newsletter

Place your Logo on our Website

  • CHF 150 for first month and 50 for each additional month (minimum of 6 months)
  • Benefit from reduced rate of CHF 160 for placement of your Ad in our Bi-Monthly Newsletter

Place your ad on Facebook

  • CHF 50 for one-time ad

Newsletter, Membership Directory and 6 months Website package

  • CHF 600
  • CHF 160 for placing your ad in each additional newsletter
  • CHF 50 for each additional month for the placement of your logo on our website 

AICZ members receive a 30% discount on all rates.


Please contact Susan Suter at to become a sponsor at the American International Club of Zurich. We offer a range of visibility opportunities at our well frequented events, for marketing items, raffles, tombolas and more.