Events in a pandemic world – our plans for 2021

Events in a pandemic world – our plans for 2021

One of the many benefits of being part of the AICZ is the ability to meet and socialize with fellow Americans and other friends. While the last couple of months have been rather uneventful in that regard, we have been using the time to plan some exciting events for our members.

We will of course resume our popular TGIF events when it is safe to do so and we are already planning our 4th of July party and the Swiss National Day celebration on August 1st. We will also resume our hikes and other outdoor activities in addition to events at the Kunsthaus, the airport, the chocolate factory and others, which we had to put on hold.  New events are also in the works. But, as we say in German, “aufgeschoben ist nicht aufgehoben” (postponed is not cancelled) and we will certainly make up for it!

Your events team: Jeff, Jeanette and Rolf H